Micallef Cigars: Crafting a Community of Cigar Enthusiasts

Micallef A CigarsSince their introduction in 2016, Micallef Cigars has been steadily gaining recognition and a loyal following. To bring together a community of cigar lovers, the company launched its Ambassador Program in 2019. This program aims to bring together those who appreciate the time-honored tradition of hand-rolled cigars and the artisans behind them.

An integral part of the program is the “A” cigar, the flagship product of the Micallef Cigars brand. This cigar has been a favorite amongst aficionados for its sumptuous flavors and smooth draw. It is made with a blend of Cuban-seed tobaccos from Nicaragua and boasts a medium to full body.

The company’s commitment to the craft and their enthusiastic community of patrons has resulted in a unique and memorable smoking experience. Whether you’re an experienced smoker or just starting out, Micallef Cigars offers something for everyone and encourages cigar enthusiasts to join their community.

Experience the Rich, Citrus-Filled Journey of the Micallef “A” Cigar

The Micallef “A” cigar is a dark brown, mildly oily and slightly gritty wrapper, with a few veins and bumps along the barrel. It has tight seams, is well packed, solid to the touch, and heavy in the hand. The cigar features two bands – the primary uses the company standard logo with a deep blue, red, and gold motif, and the secondary band, placed just below, simply declares the cigar as the “A.”

When I ran the barrel along my nasals, I didn’t detect any aromas, but the foot offered a rich, earthy note. I used my double blade cutter to slice the cap straight across the shoulder, and took some cold draw puffs. The draw was excellent and offered interesting notes of hickory and savory spice.

My triple flame torch did the trick in warming the foot as I drew in the first puffs of smoke, which had a distinct citrus peel note. Follow along as I burn the “A” to ash!

  • Starts off with a citrus peel note to begin the journey
  • White ash forms on a medium thick char line
  • Medium volume of smoke
  • Moderate tobacco sweetness joins the profile
  • Floral notes begin to build moving through the first third
  • Cocoa aroma whirls off the foot
  • Ash falls deep in first third revealing an off centered burn cone
  • Cream notes dovetail nicely with the cocoa
  • Citrus and cocoa notes settle for the core
  • Spice notes add to the profile midway
  • Toasted caramel joins and adds to the flavor satisfaction
  • Off burn develops that requires a touch up
  • Barrel gets squishy deep in the second third
  • Rich dark chocolate notes start to build and linger on the palate in the final third
  • Citrus continues to be the core of the journey down to the final
  • Medium strength
  • Total smoking time was 1 hour and 50 minutes

Overall, the Micallef “A” had a pleasant flavor and aroma profile which had a solid core of citrus throughout the journey. Cocoa, dark chocolate, cream, spice, and caramel blended well and kept the palate interested. It’s worth picking up a five-pack of these and letting them age. I rate this a 90, after deductions for an off burn, requiring a touch-up, a wavy burn, and a barrel that got squishy, plus a bonus point for its extremely complex flavor and aroma.